Pocket Watch Database

Illinois Mary Stuart Parts


Part Factory Part Number
Arbors: Barrel 271 Catalog Number: 5015
Configuration: Hunting
Arbors: Pallet 170 Catalog Number: 5043
Configuration: Hunting
Pivots: Straight


Part Factory Part Number
Bridges: Winding 328 Catalog Number: 5179
Configuration: Hunting
Bridges: Winding 329 Catalog Number: 5180
Configuration: Hunting


Part Factory Part Number
Collets: Hairspring 725 Catalog Number: 5268
Hairspring Type: Flat


Part Factory Part Number
Hubs: Winding Wheel 334 Catalog Number: 5398
Configuration: Hunting


Part Factory Part Number
Jewels: Balance Endstones (Lower) 1227 Catalog Number: 5499
Jewel Material: Sapphire
Setting(s): Brass
Jewels: Balance Endstones (Upper) 1226 Catalog Number: 5471
Jewel Material: Sapphire
Setting(s): Brass
Jewels: Balance Hole: Olive (Lower) 316 Catalog Number: 5434
Jewel Material: Sapphire
Setting(s): Brass
Jewels: Balance Hole: Olive (Upper) 908 Catalog Number: 5418
Jewel Material: Sapphire
Setting(s): Brass
Jewels: Escape (Lower) 741 Catalog Number: 5621
Jewel Material: Pale Ruby
Setting(s): Oreide
Jewels: Escape (Upper) 592 Catalog Number: 5588
Jewel Material: Pale Ruby
Setting(s): Oreide
Jewels: Fourth (Lower) 759 Catalog Number: 5701
Jewel Material: Pale Ruby
Setting(s): Brass
Jewels: Fourth (Upper) 593 Catalog Number: 5678
Jewel Material: Pale Ruby
Setting(s): Oreide
Jewels: Pallet (Lower) 741 Catalog Number: 5749
Jewel Material: Pale Ruby
Setting(s): Oreide
Jewels: Pallet (Upper) 519 Catalog Number: 5724
Jewel Material: Pale Ruby
Setting(s): Unset
Jewels: Pallet Stones (Right or Left) 640 Catalog Number: 5858
Jewel Material: Garnet
Jewels: Roller or Jewel Pins 638 Catalog Number: 5878
Jewel Material: Garnet
Jewels: Third (Lower) 769 Catalog Number: 5828
Jewel Material: Pale Ruby
Setting(s): Brass
Jewels: Third (Upper) 594 Catalog Number: 5802
Jewel Material: Pale Ruby
Setting(s): Oreide


Part Factory Part Number
Levers: Locking 1134 Catalog Number: 5926
Configuration: Hunting
Levers: Setting 319 Catalog Number: 5949
Configuration: Hunting


Part Factory Part Number
Pallets: Forks and Arbors: With Stones (Single Roller) 922 Catalog Number: 6022
Configuration: Hunting
Pivots: Straight
Stones: Garnet
Pallet and Fork: Two Piece
Pallets: with Stones Fitted 172 Catalog Number: 5967
Configuration: Hunting
Stones: Garnet


Part Factory Part Number
Pinions: Bevel or Winding 280 Catalog Number: 6077
Configuration: Hunting
Pinion Type: Solid
Pinions: Cannon 292 Catalog Number: 6104
Configuration: Hunting
Pinions: Center 288 Catalog Number: 6121
Configuration: Hunting
Pinions: Escape 295 Catalog Number: 6142
Configuration: Hunting
Pivots: Straight
Pinions: Fourth 299 Catalog Number: 6161
Configuration: Hunting
Pinions: Third 324 Catalog Number: 6184
Configuration: Hunting


Part Factory Part Number
Screws: Screw 279 Catalog Number: 6262
Screw: Balance
Screws: Screw 278 Catalog Number: 6275
Screw: Balance Meantime
Screws: Screw 35 Catalog Number: 6288
Screw: Banking
Screws: Screw 766 Catalog Number: 6303
Screw: Bridge, Barrel & Train
Screws: Screw 147 Catalog Number: 6318
Screw: Bridge Pallet
Screws: Screw 145 Catalog Number: 6362
Screw: Case
Screws: Screw 286 Catalog Number: 6380
Screw: Click
Screws: Screw 766 Catalog Number: 6393
Screw: Cock Balance
Screws: Screw 1975 Catalog Number: 6409
Screw: Dial Foot
Screws: Screw 47 Catalog Number: 6426
Screw: Hub Winding Wheel
Screws: Screw 225 Catalog Number: 6447
Screw: Jewel Balance, Upper-Bev. Head
Screws: Screw 225 Catalog Number: 6466
Screw: Jewel Balance, Lower
Screws: Screw 225 Catalog Number: 6484
Screw: Jewel Center, Upper
Screws: Screw 225 Catalog Number: 6508
Screw: Jewel Escape, Upper
Screws: Screw 225 Catalog Number: 6534
Screw: Jewel, Fourth, Upper
Screws: Screw 225 Catalog Number: 6557
Screw: Jewel, Third, Upper
Screws: Screw 467 Catalog Number: 6581
Screw: Lever, Locking
Screws: Screw 467 Catalog Number: 6595
Screw: Lever, Setting, Shoulder
Screws: Screw 286 Catalog Number: 6623
Screw: Spring, Click
Screws: Screw 467 Catalog Number: 6665
Screw: Spring, Setting Lever
Screws: Screw 417 Catalog Number: 6669
Screw: Spring, Yoke
Screws: Screw 1937 Catalog Number: 6687
Note: Made in different styles
Screw: Stud, Hair Spring
Screws: Screw 215 Catalog Number: 6696
Screw: Wheel, Minute


Part Factory Part Number
Springs: Click 285 Catalog Number: 6773
Configuration: Hunting
Springs: Hairspring: Collated 1152 Catalog Number: 6811
Configuration: Hunting
Hairspring Type: Flat
Springs: Mainspring 311 Catalog Number: 6853
Width Denison Guage: 9
Length in Inches: 17
Thickness in Millimeters: 18
Springs: Setting and Setting Lever 321 Catalog Number: 6875
Configuration: Hunting
Springs: Yoke 332 Catalog Number: 6882
Configuration: Hunting


Part Factory Part Number
Staffs: Balance Staff 772 Catalog Number: 6904
Configuration: Hunting
Length of Staff: 0.178
Staffs: Center 283 Catalog Number: 6933
Configuration: Hunting


Part Factory Part Number
Studs: Hairspring 603 Catalog Number: 6952
Configuration: Hunting
Hairspring Type: Flat


Part Factory Part Number
Balance 274 Catalog Number: 5073
Note: Gade 1: 28 Holes, Gold Screws; Grade 2: 24 Holes, Brass or Oreide Screws, Grade 3: 22 Holes, Brass or Oreide Screws
Configuration: Hunting
Barrel 273 Catalog Number: 5100
Note: Damaskeened
Teeth: 80
Configuration: Hunting
Barrel and Arbor (Fitted) 1264 Catalog Number: 5133
Teeth: 80
Configuration: Hunting
Click 284 Catalog Number: 5238
Configuration: Hunting
Fork 298 Catalog Number: 5324
Note: Straight Line
Regulator 317 Catalog Number: 6224
Configuration: Hunting
Finish: Flat
Roller 1030 Catalog Number: 6249
Configuration: Hunting
Escapement: Single Impulse
Yokes 726 Catalog Number: 7375
Configuration: Hunting


Part Factory Part Number
Wheels: Center 289 Catalog Number: 6980
Teeth: 80
Configuration: Hunting
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Center and Staff 291 Catalog Number: 7016
Teeth: 80
Configuration: Hunting
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Center Complete 1270 Catalog Number: 7057
Teeth: Cannon Pinion: 12, Center Pinion: 12, Center Wheel: 80
Configuration: Hunting
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Crown or Main Winding 293 Catalog Number: 7085
Teeth: 40
Configuration: Hunting
Wheels: Escape 182 Catalog Number: 7113
Teeth: 15
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Finish: Brass, Gilt
Wheels: Escape and Pinion 297 Catalog Number: 7149
Teeth: 15-8
Configuration: Hunting
Pivots: Straight
Finish: Brass
Wheels: Fourth 300 Catalog Number: 7174
Teeth: 80
Configuration: Hunting
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Fourth and Pinion 301 Catalog Number: 7200
Teeth: Wheel: 80, Pinion: 10
Configuration: Hunting
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Hour 303 Catalog Number: 7218
Teeth: 40
Configuration: Hunting
Wheels: Inter-Winding 327 Catalog Number: 7242
Teeth: 20
Configuration: Hunting
Wheels: Minute 310 Catalog Number: 7259
Teeth: Wheel: 36, Pinion: 10
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Wheels: Ratchet 318 Catalog Number: 7283
Teeth: 46
Configuration: Hunting
Wheels: Setting 322 Catalog Number: 7303
Teeth: 20
Configuration: Hunting
Wheels: Third 323 Catalog Number: 7323
Teeth: 75
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Third: and Pinion 325 Catalog Number: 7352
Teeth: Pinion: 10, Wheel: 75
Configuration: Hunting
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm